





can you speak slowly? 请你所得慢些好吗? 你想用高考祝福语来表达你的真诚祝福吗?时间过得非常快,高考最后的号角也即将吹响,高考的时候,有了家人的祝福,考生们会感到很暖心。如有对高考必背英语作文句子的问题或疑惑请随时向每日心情说说编辑咨询,以下短句供参考希望能为您的研究提供一些新的思路!


1、As our country is populous, it is confronted with a more and more serious crisis of resources. 我国由于人口众多,面临着越来越严重的资源危机。

2、… will bring about an unfavorable effects on …

3、I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today. -W.A.White我并不害怕明天, 因为我已见过昨天而又热爱今天。 ── 怀特

4、artistic reflection艺术反映

5、This table provides several important points of comparison between,...

6、Now it is commonly held that ...; they think ...; But I doubt whether...


8、exhaust gas废气

9、One of the great men once said that... Now more and more people share this belief.

10、its time to go. 该走了。

11、People may have different opinions about Mary, but I admire her After all, she is a great musician人们对于玛丽可能有不同的看法,但是我欣赏她。毕竟,她是一个伟大的音乐家。

12、If he had followed my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job 如果他听了我的建议,他就不会丢掉工作

13、its all right. 没关系。

14、environment-friendly resources 环保资源

15、at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何

16、A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years ago一个现代城市被建在了十年前曾是荒地的地方。

17、do you mean it? 你是当真的吗?

18、in confidence 私下地,秘密地

19、I like it in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright 我喜欢秋天的天气既清澈又明亮

20、As a proverb says, “Where there is a will there is a way.” (有志者事竟成)

21、The Popular Science Knowledge and Science Technology(科普知识与科学技术);

22、pose a threat to…对… 有威胁


23、enhance the quality of life提高生活质量

24、Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight. 吃太多导致/导致超重

25、local customs and practices风土人情

26、artistic standards艺术水准

27、As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.”(观其交友,知其为人)

28、in future 今后,从今以后 后

29、pollution-free fuel无污染燃料

30、I am grateful to you for the opportunity to express my conviction in this most important political question. 感谢你们使我有机会就这个最重要的政治问题发表意见。

31、With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

32、Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur. 在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率。

33、No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ..., but the general awareness of the necessity/importance of... might be the first step on the right way.

34、He already has five honorary doctorates-the latest bestowed upon him by Yale University late of May, -but what he really wanted was this humble bachelor’s degree. 斯皮尔伯格已获得5个荣誉博士头衔,其中最近的一个是在5月下旬由耶鲁大学授予的,然而他最想得到的却是这个不起眼的学士学位。

35、speed limits限速

36、…, as is……,the case with many issues, has both merits and demerits.是许多问题的情况下,既有优点和缺点。

37、A common danger causes common action.同舟共济。

38、express service快递服务

39、The advantages of A are much greater than B.

40、…has drawbacks as well as merits.

41、… may give rise to/result in a number of problems

42、An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects>越来越多的专家相信移民对城市的建设起到积极作用。

43、What Henry Ford is to the automobile, George Eastman to photography, and Charles Goodyear to rubber, Edison is to not one but several of today’s essential technologies. 对当今不止一项而是多项重要技术的贡献, 就如同Henry Ford 对汽车、George Eastman 对摄影、Charles Goodyear 对橡胶的贡献一样大。

44、as soon as possible. 尽快。


45、Air is to us what water is to fish. 我们离不开空气, 就像鱼离不开水。

46、on hand 在手边,在近处


48、Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too.

49、at intervals 不时,每隔一段时间(或距离)

50、We may cite/quote/take a single/common example to illustrate...

51、preserve the cultural relics保护文化遗产

52、on duty 在上班(的),在值班(的)

53、its different. 那是不同的。

54、surf the Internet上网

55、TV shopping电视购物

56、thats enough. 够了。

57、It is, therefore, obvious/evident that the task of...require immediate attention.


59、In such dry weather , the flowers will have to be watered if they are to survive 在这样干旱的天气,这些花要想活下来就必须被浇水。

60、ahead of 在…之前, 超过…. ahead of time 提前

61、Our society abounds with the examples of ...

62、John was late for the business meeting because his flight had been delayed by a heavy storm约翰开商业会议迟到了,因为他的航班被一场严重的暴风雪耽搁了。

63、Different people have/hold different opinions/views on the question/problem/matter. Some believe that ...; Others argue that ... :Still others maintain that ...


65、can you speak slowly? 请你所得慢些好吗?

